my current tarot collection

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I have a small collection of Tarot decks and Oracle decks, I have got my first tarot when I was around 13 years old and since then I didn't feel like I needed any other because that first one worked so well with me. But years past and Tarot became a trend so there were so many types of tarot with all kind of illustrations and because of internet, it's easy to find them.

So here is my small collection~ 

Tarot de las hadas

As I say it was my first Tarot deck, the names of the cards are not the usual for example The fool is Malekin, The Hermit is Leanan Side... each card is represented by a fairy or other character from mythology. The illustrations are simple, I am not a super fan on the drawings for people but I like the color scheme. Is a Marsella type so the minor arcana is like that card in the center, not easy to read for beginners. 

The Lovely Omens Tarot

After many years, during quarantine I kinda decided that I wanted a new Tarot deck, a friend tagged me on a facebook post and there it was the back of this tarot deck. I looked for pictures online and I liked it but I was not sure so after a few months I finally decided to get it. It is from an independent artist so it was not cheap but I really liked it, the drawings and the colors. Like the other, is a Marsella type. 

Sabiduría de bruja

This was a Christmas present, I was not super sure because I always have issues with the people drawings but after seeing it for a while on youtube channels I decided to give it a chance and so far I really like the world that is created in this deck. The lovely omens tarot is a bit jealous of this deck but I mostly use it for reading to friends, not to me. It's my first Raider-Waite-Smith deck so I am really happy with the minor arcana. 

Raider-Waite Tarot

I got this one a bit of a sudden impulse, didn't really thought about buying a Raider-Waite but it pop up on my etsy recommendations and I really liked it. It was about time to have a basic tarot but as you can see is not the normal Raider, thing that I like a lot, I never liked the colours in original deck so this was the best option and I am really happy with it.

Modern Witch Tarot

And my last tarot, this one was a birthday present so it is really new to my collection. I am not planning on getting another one at the moment and I think five is a good number. Based on the Raider-Waite with a modern touch, the colours are more pastel. I was not sure about this one but the 10 of Swords was calling me so much and I'm using it quite a lot. I was doubting but it was meant to be here. 

I took all the photos so please, do not repost. You can find them on my instagram account

future plans?

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It is not a secret that I would like to leave and move to Canada (if possible) but the situation is not easy, the pandemic we are going through, the economic crisis, my family drama... I want to study more so I will be better prepared to get a good job somewhere but... 

My godmother thinks marriage is the only answer and the only way. I do not mind a distant relationship, yes, it is difficult sometimes but, what? It does not mean than now that they have open the borders I need to leave everything and run there. She is making me fell like I have to leave tomorrow or even better, RIGHT NOW.  

So basically she's been planning my wedding and my life as a wife, she started giving me stuff for the future house that I do not have and honestly, I don't want to carry all that things to wherever I'll move. There are too many heavy things that are gonna be super expensive to send or to carry. Would not be easy to buy the stuff you need once you are there?

Since my mom passed away, my godmother thinks she can tell me what to do or how to do things and honestly, it is a bit stressful sometimes because she has a really old fashioned way to see things. 

So my life is been a bit stressful since she decided to give me all the stuff and keep talking and making decisions for me. I actually felt sick because of it. 


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It's a bit weird when after you're not friends with someone anymore, that person starts copying you. 
All of a sudden she likes classic books, tarot and magic in general, shows and movies she never mentioned she liked when you were friends and they were your favourites... isn't it weird? 

She even got the same tarot decks as you! (and now there are as many tarot decks as you can imagine). And some of the characters you've been a fan of, she likes them now. Is like she is trying really hard to have things in common with you so you can talk again. 
Saying how much she likes your clothes (next thing to copy?) and talking about past times when you both were little. 
Now she started an instagram account trying to talk about the same things as you. What will be next?

another summer

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And here we are again, because it's too warm I do not like to go out much so I'm spending my time fixing things around the house and watching movies and doramas. I'm trying to watch more anime so maybe one day I'll have watch all the ones from my list but that day is not close yet. 

Anyway, a few things that I've been watching~ period movies, I would like to watch all the adaptations of Jane Austen's novels and maybe some of L. M Montgomery's but no rush. So far I didn't find any of Mansfield Park that I like and it's a book I enjoyed but I feel like they cannot make Fanny like how she is in the book and that bothers me. I still have to watch the 1983 adaptation though. 
The korean drama that I'm enjoying a lot is True Beauty, it is quite... obvious and easy to know what is gonna happen but I'm liking it, is easy to watch and I do not need to think too much, and on my bad days it helps me to forget about everything else. 

About books and that I'm currently reading Scarlet, second part of The Lunar Chronicles. To be honest I would have liked it more if I read it 10 years ago but it's ok. I might finish the series because I do not like to leave things unfinished. The next book I want to read is The 10th Kingdom, I watched the series many years ago and the book does not seem very difficult and well, I was obsessed with the series ^^U 
I would like to reread Gone with the wind but I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish it before summer ends so we will see. 

This years is not as warm as other ones I remember but it is still annoying. The thing is that I didn't read or watch anything about vampires like my usual go to in summer. 
I would have like to visit some villages around mine but I didn't because I do not have a car or a driving license but it's ok, I'll manage something. I went a few times to the city but because I had an appointment with the dentist and because I wanted to buy some presents for all the birthdays that I have coming up in September. Mine too, that's exciting because I am planning in a short trip to see a friends (birthday in september too) and because I want to go with my twin to buy books like we used to do with our mom when our birthday was coming. 

Anyway, we will see how everything goes this month, not expecting much besides the second appointment at the dentist... (had to remove my wisdom teeth) and some family meetings. 

recount of 2020 and mid- 2021

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Like always, it's been a while. To be honest, I haven't been super busy but I just don't find time to write here, I have my main blog, tasks to do during the day, cats and lots to read and watch. Sadly I don't have many books I haven't read in my house (I mean, my house is full of books but I'm not really interested in my dad's books, I'm not a big fan of science fiction).

On the other hand I've been watching korean dramas, I used to watch japanese dramas but I think the quality of the korean ones is better, I don't know. I remember it took me 2 years to finish Kill me, Heal me because I was living in Scotland and I didn't have time... maybe because it took me too long to watch it I didn't enjoy it much. But some of the ones I watched this past year I really enjoy them~ 

-Romance is a Bonus Book
-Strong girl Bong Soon
-Hotel del Luna

They are all available on Netflix ^^ I watch Love Alarm but I didn't like it, I could not believe in that love story at all ¬¬ (I'm finish watching the second season though). Witch's Love was disappointing too and then Memories of the Alhambra was good but not one of my favourites.  
This year I watched a few already, Lovestruck in the city which I didn't enjoy as much as I thought, Love Alarm 2 and Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung that I actually really liked. I am currently watching True Beauty and I think this last two are my favourites so far of this year. 

During winter is time to pick the olives so we have olive oil during the year. Is not a nice work out in the field, I remember I had more fun when I went with my family but since my mom passed away it's not the same. I'm not very strong so there's a lot of things I cannot do and I need help with so I feel like I bother everyone because I cannot carry the things all around the fields alone. But we did it all in December and it's finally done. I´m scared thinking about this year tho. 

And taking about Christmas, I don't really like this celebration but we always set up the tree, my twin and I made soap and candles for everyone. There's not many of us so we made some extra ones for a few neighbors. I really like candles so I wanted to buy a lot but my twin told me to make them myself so yep, here I am making candles. 

What else? I got more presents than I thought and because of the restrictions we could not celebrate so we spent the night watching Nightmare before Christmas and eating a homemade pizza. Not bad, it was quiet and nice. 

This new year is not very different from the past so far. Restrictions and more difficulty to move anywhere else. I don't like living here in Spain and I would like to leave but yeah, it's not easy so I'll wait. Meanwhile I might start studying something but we will see.

I made a list of books I wanted to read because I received some as Christmas presents~ 

-Una corte de rosas y espinas
-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking-glass
-El retrato de Dorian Grey
-Anne of green gables
-Anne of Avonlea
-Anne of the island
-Anne of Windy Poplars 
-Anne's House of dreams 
-Anne of Ingleside
-Rainbow Valley 
-Rilla of Ingleside

To be fair I almost finish all of them and I've been reading a lot that weren't on the list. And even though I enjoyed a lot Anne's books, I do not want to keep reading at the moment, I feel that her situation in Windy Poplars is somehow similar on my situation so when things keep moving on in my life I'll keep reading Anne's adventures. 

Changing a bit the subject...
Summer is not my favourite thing but, so far is not that bad, I wanted to make the terrace in our house somewhere pretty to sit down and watch the stars and well, it's not going bad, almost done really. And my birthday is in two months so I'm excited about that. 
Next time I think I'll talk about my favourite dramas so far and books~ 

Tarot and Oracle decks ~wishlist~

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I made a post about this same subject in my other blog but because I'm weak I found more things I liked so instead of edited the other post I'll just do a new one here. 

The Spacious Tarot

Let's start with the only tarot deck I have currently in my list. The Spacious Tarot is simply beautiful, I really like how the cards represent the major and minor arcana, I love the colors and the fact that there's no people representing the cards. I couldn't afford it but hopefully I'll manage to buy it at some point. 

Pythia Botanica Oracle

I really like the art of this artist, Leila+Olive, but the tarot didn't convince me, not really intuitive for me so the oracle was a good option. I like the colors and how simple looks representing everything with flowers. I wanted something with this stile.

Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle

The first thing I liked about it was the colors and the idea, it has simple messages and there's just 13 cards. I'm really indecisive so I think is a good idea for an oracle deck. I really like the rest of the decks from this artist, I have the Luna Botanica cards and I'm waiting for the new deck she released last month. 

Ice Cream Oracle 

I found it for a youtuber I follow who does readings and I found it really cute, The vivid colors and the drawing, I think is perfect for when you feel a bit down. 

The Spirit Animal Oracle

Again, I found it because of this youtuber and I fell in love, I was looking for a tarot with animals but I couldn't find any and this oracle was just too pretty. 

And now I'm gonna talk a bit about two decks I recently purchase and that I'm waiting to receive, with all this Covid drama the post office is not working very well but I'm not in a rush. I didn't want to buy them when all started, I wait and now things are more calmed but again, I'm not in a rush. 

The Lovely Omens Tarot

Around March I was looking for a new tarot deck and a friend show me this one but I just saw the box and I was curious so I google it and I loved the images and the colors. I really like pink even tho is not my favorite color but the minor arcana has cats and mugs so I really couldn't say no. I like the idea of the tarot and I decided to buy it this past month so we'll see when arrives.

The Witch's Familiar Runic Oracle 

From The White Witch Oracle, I backed the Kikstarter cause I really like the art and this way I can learn more about runes (I have a set of runes but I don't used them much). The same artist as The Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle, little by little I'll get more decks from her. 

And that's everything, two new purchases and the rest I'll get them at some point in my life, not like I need them but the art is beautiful and make me happy. I already have 3 oracle decks and one tarot but somehow they really help me. 

words #1

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'cause I feel like writing 
now that I feel so lonely

no one really cares
if I'm ok
'cause I'm not important

and life keeps going
even if I stop
even if you don't talk to me

but it's a world for me
when I don't receive a message from you

because I like your voice
is everything to me hear your laugh 

get upset for small things
saying silly things
to pretend it doesn't matter

to pretend that I'm not hurt 
'cause that's how I feel most of the time
when you keep open your mouth

but I cannot help it
codependency that I created in my mind

trying not to message you
to see if you miss me
but I'm so weak

keep breaking promises 
feeling so emotional

it doesn't even make sense

my current tarot collection

I have a small collection of Tarot decks and Oracle decks, I have got my first tarot when I was around 13 years old and since then I didn...